
zkSwap is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) that provides traders with greater control over the price ranges they provide liquidity to, enabling a more efficient trading experience. It leverages concentrated liquidity to improve capital efficiency and offers flexible fee structures, auto-compounding fees, and farming rewards.

Raised: 💰$1.7M

Basic info for airdrop

  • 💰 cost: 0$
  • ⌛ time: 10-15minutes


  • Ethereum wallet (Metamask)

Links for this airdrop

Full airdrop guide

  1. prepare wallet
    1. Install metamask
    2. Add goerli testnet
    3. Claim goerli faucet if you need
    4. Bridge ETH from Goerli to zkSync Era Testnet
  2. task
    1. join and make tasks
  3. swap/trade
    1. Go to the
    2. Make some swaps (ETH->WETH, ETH->zk.USDT). WETH is mandatory. You will need WETH in the next step.
    3. Make screenshot
  4. pools
    1. Go to the
    2. Click on the "plus" button in the first row
    3. Select "passive" or "active"
    4. Allocate your zk.USDT + WETH
    5. Confirm acrion
    6. Make screenshot
  5. twitter
    1. Retweet plus like, plus tag 3 friends
    2. Or write your own tweet with link to the discord + some good tags: #L2season #zkSwap #zkSync #Layer2 #ZKRollup #testnet #Ethereum #DeFi
    3. Make screenshot
  6. share your work
    1. Go to the #testnet-feedback
    2. Post:
      • The wallet address that participates in the testing.
      • The link to your tweet that shares the testing.
      • The screenshots you took before.
      • At least 1transaction hash: e.g. trading, adding liquidity, and removing the liquidity