Fate Fate (FATE)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x000000000000000000000000000000

Buy on: Buy on Poocoin   Buy on Pancake Swap

Presale: No

Launch date: October 25, 2021 00:00

Web: https://fatcaketoken.com/ecosystem

Telegram: https://www.t.me/fatetoken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fate_token

Fate Token is a multi-utility token on the Smart Chain Network. Used in our social media app as a means of leveraging your money to earn dividends at an incredible rate. Utilize the OmniDEX for direct Fiat to Defi purchases, profit vaults for passive income, and get paid for using social media!

Tokens are valuable, but freedom is priceless
Determine your own Fate

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