RicnatumGame RicnatumGame (RICNATUMGAME)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0xef2c657a4541e1429ac360e4b08b33c20bc38f43

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Presale: No

Launch date: January 20, 2023 00:00

Web: https://richcontinents.online

Telegram: https://t.me/richcontinentschat

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichContinents

Rich Continents is a Metaverse cryptocurrency game that deals with a particular planet and the continents in it. It is possible to obtain NFT and earn RCNT tokens with many activities and systems that can be included in the game. It is possible to access the upcoming preview of the game and the promotional video about the game on RichContinents.online
Rich Continents was issued with Smart Chain BEP20 as Ricnatum token and RicnatumGame token. Their symbols are RCNT and RCNTG.
The Ricnatum token (RCNT), RicnatumGame token (RCNTG) and Rich Continents game project has been launched semi-centered in the Republic of Turkey and continues to work with its project partners.

Rich Continents, Ricnatum and RicnatumGame
The project is named after three special names, Rich Continents, Ricnatum and RicnatumGame.
Rich Continents is a name from the Metaverse universe that represents the project.
Ricnatum is the name of the currency that belongs to the Rich Continents universe and is used in the universe.
RicnatumGame is the name of the currency that belongs to the Rich Continents universe and is earned inĀ theĀ universe.

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