UltraSafe UltraSafe (ULTRA)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x0b3f42481c228f70756dbfa0309d3ddc2a5e0f6a

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Presale: No

Launch date: May 14, 2021 00:00

Web: https://ultrasafe.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial

Twitter: HTTPS://twitter.com/ultrasafebsc

Buy and hold UltraSafe to reap the rewards of its frictionless yield protocol, earning passive income and enjoying price appreciation as the community-driven hype achieves dynamic milestones.
With its liquidity locked and the contract renounced, UltraSafe is completely rug-proof. UltraSafe’s automatic partial fee distribution to the liquidity pool results in a perpetually increasing price floor--each sell has less price impact than the last.
UltraSafe will also be moving towards their own blockchain in the near future.

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