Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0xd509de5f65aca855c72c3c0ca2403853ce7ae1d3

Buy on: Buy on Poocoin   Buy on Pancake Swap

Presale: No

Launch date: December 7, 2021 00:00

Web: https://www.unicorncrypto.net/

Telegram: https://t.me/UnicornCrypto

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnicornBsc

🦄Unicorn token🦄

🚀Fair Launch on Tuesday 7th of December at 14:00 UTC🚀

Unicorn is the decentralized community token based on Binance smart chain that will take community to moon quick stop. We're invite y'll to be part of this amazing and supportive Unicorn community.

🦄Total Supply:
💰Initial liquidity : 8 BNB
🔒Liquidity locked : 1 year
📊LOW Cap
✅TechRate Audit
🐋Anti Whale / Dump Measurement
🔅Tax buy/sell: 11%
💲 BNB Reward: 5%
💳Liquidity Pool: 5%
♻Buy back and burn: 1%


📍Social media📍
💌Telegram: https://t.me/UnicornCrypto
🌐Website: https://www.unicorncrypto.net/
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnicornBsc

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Votes total: 18657

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