CTENA Finance CTENA Finance (CTENA)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x8f4fc37bff97e6e7fd4355a5df76a486ac1e2e1c

Buy on: Buy on Poocoin   Buy on Pancake Swap

Presale: No

Launch date: May 15, 2021 00:00

Web: https://ctena.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/catenaprotocol_eng

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CatenaProtocol

Using the new CTENA Vault Yield Farming and Index Funds dApp https://vault.ctena.finance you can:
1) Buy, swap or add liquidity using our internal swap and liquidity pool provider functions (NEW)!
2) Invest (stake) crypto assets in our Vault and earn rewards!
3) Stake CTENA token and other liquidity pool or vault LP token to earn CTENA or BNB rewards!
4) Invest in our brand new 4 index funds, with one transaction you can invest in a basket of cryptos.
5) Play with our NFTs CryptoBoy or our CTENA NFTs marketplace!

I) First buy CTENA Token! CTENA is the Legacy Token with auto-liquidity and burning features. Deflationary and designed to capture value and govern the community project. Buy CTENA on pancakeswap.finance https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x8f4fc37bff97e6e7fd4355a5df76a486ac1e2e1c
II) Stake CTENA Token or CTENA LP token and also SAKAMOTO, CDEFI, CALT and CSTABLE LP share tokens to earn more CTENA or BNB each minute. https://vault.ctena.finance/#/bsc/stake
III) Invest in CTENA Vaults leveraging our Multi-Chain Yield Optimizer platform you can invest in CAKE, BTCB-BNB LP, ETH-BNB LP, BTCST-BNB LP, etc… and earn more tokens/liquidity pool shares.
IV) Invest in our CTENA Index Funds [beta]
Each LP Index Found token (NAKAMOTO, CDEFI, CALT, CSTABLE and CTDAO) can be staked in the CTENA Stake section.
Farming and Utility Token (coming soon). NFT Marketplace (coming soon) started a very good partnership.

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