Smart Money Smart Money (SMARTMONEY)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x32D6b4BD2c3196CFb5ec466b09602707396c43B4

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Presale: No

Launch date: September 10, 2021 00:00




✨ The Smart Money Space is an ecosystem of the Smart Money project, including the following products (which will be developed in stages, starting with the release of the Smart Money Token):

• Smart Money Token
• Smart Money Swap
• Smart Money NFT Market
• Other future SM-products

⛓ Smart Money Token (SMT) is a decentralized cryptocurrency token created in the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and provides unique use cases for its holders.

???? SMT is a full-fledged deflationary token for passive income by stacking, creating liquidity pools, and paying rewards to holders for holding coins. It is based on rigorous mathematical calculation and in-depth analysis of the economic model.

???? The key to the successful development of the project is a strong community. That's why we decided to start our journey by building an international community around the Smart Money with a long and large-scale marketing campaign around the world.

???? Join us:

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