Caspian Fuel Caspian Fuel (CASPIANFUEL)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x5c1e74B62760bD425d1B1a3263fD24C7C6cD5193

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Presale: No

Launch date: June 1, 2021 00:00




Caspian Fuel Token is a multi chain token on the two platforms of Tron and Binance Smart chain ( soon it will be on ethereum platform too)

Caspian Fuel Token will have an active roll in the oil and gas and gaming industry (In-app sales and making games with company's). Caspian Token plans to launch its own wallet called CAS wallet and it will support all blockchains also Caspian project plans to launch a dedicated blockchain called CASPIAN Blockchain.

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