Dora Inu Dora Inu (DRS)

Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Address: Visit BSScan 0x9aC3c26Db5Eca2f0F15BdD71C5D6DE0b0409586c

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Presale: No

Launch date: August 30, 2021 00:00




Dora Inu Token is on the Binance Smart Chain so you can enjoy low fees. Is a community driven rug-proof, blockchain project designed to empower organisation working to save Pandas with financial resources and to support the development of wildlife. Creating a community of eco-friendly investors, because together we can create a greener future.


The mission of Dora Inu token(DRS) is to ensure the preservation and propagation of the endangered Giant Panda. Dora Inu provides public awareness and support for habitat preservation through assisting to Giant Panda Centers. A 2% donation will be given to panda conservation centers chosen by our community.

Dora Inu works by 10% buyback which marketing tax collects 3% for marketing fund, 2% will be redistributed to every holders when ever a transaction occurs and 5% is used to buyback the token, which is distributed to every wallet that holds our token. The more token you hold, the more the reward you receive. 15% of total supply to be BURN on launch.

Dora Inu have an unparalleled opportunity for positive change...

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